Welcome all to my little corner of the web. I don’t know how you found me but I’m glad you did. I discovered the fun of turning pens a few years ago and I just wanted to be able to show off some of my work. Feel free to browse the gallery and if you so choose, drop me a note and let me know what you think.

I am located in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada and although I don’t sell pens over the web at this time, if you are interested in my work and would like me to craft a unique pen for you, please drop me a line. I turn everything from daily writers, all the way up to rare and beautiful pens that would make a wonderful gift for someone special.

Michelangelo said that David was always inside that slab of marble. All he had to do was chip away the extra bits. I do the same thing… only at 3600 RPM.